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Leonid Goncharov

Founder and CEO at Anticafé and Co-founder & CEO at Work & Go

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Léonid Goncharov, a visionary and the founder of Anticafé, has paved a revolutionary path in the world of work for digital nomads. Inspired by the culture and entrepreneurial education at ESCP Paris, Léonid conceived Anticafé, a unique space blending café, home, and coworking office, where time spent becomes the currency. This revolutionary idea met the flexibility needs of freelancers, students, and businesses, providing a stimulating place for work, exchange, and creation.

Under Léonid's leadership, Anticafé quickly flourished, expanding its network to 14 locations across Europe and welcoming over a million clients in 10 years. With approximately 500 employees throughout its history, Léonid has demonstrated a deep commitment to a more open and collaborative work world. In 2022, he took a new step by selling Anticafé as well as Clue & Co, an escape game.

Not stopping there, Léonid is currently working on his fifth startup, Work & Go, continuing his journey of innovation in entrepreneurship.

Alongside his businesses, he leads Ensemble Ukraine, an organization with 20 volunteers and a budget of 2 million euros, having carried out 67 humanitarian projects to date. Léonid's career, from his early steps as an entrepreneur to his humanitarian engagement, illustrates an impressive trajectory marked by perseverance, innovation, and a passion for entrepreneurship, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams with determination and creativity.

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