Maëlys is a specialist in digital acquisition tools with already 10 years of experience in digital marketing, especially in SEO, inbound marketing, brand content and SMO.
Initially trained as a Communications Research Engineer in Communications, she quickly turned towards digital technology and its myriad possibilities.
Her journey began with her own web and e-marketing agency (SEO/SEA/SMO/SMA…), which she co-founded and co-managed for 6 years until its sale in 2020.
To continue with her entrepreneurial spirit, she also co-founded the company Happy Tech in 2017 (until 2023), a business dedicated to well-being at work.
Since 2021, she has been leading her own professional training company specializing in video courses.
Passionate and always active, she works on several compagnies in the same time. Initially a Professor, then Head of Master's programs, and finally Head of the E-business division, Maëlys continue to teach in many Higher Education Schools
She is also the author of a book « Stratégie E-Marketing » and a doctoral candidate in 'Changes and Agilities'.