Laurent est le directeur des produits de Koober. Ses 8 années d'expérience dans la création de produits technologiques portant de nombreux chapeaux lui donnent une perspective unique sur le métier.
Il a travaillé en tant qu'ingénieur logiciel, chef de produit, concepteur de produits et responsable du design, en interne et en tant qu'indépendant.
Il a développé une variété de produits : SaaS et places de marché pour particuliers et B2B, commerce électronique et mobile grand public.
Parlez-en à Laurent en particulier si vous avez besoin d'aide sur :
- Gestion des produits dans un environnement d'adéquation entre le produit et le marché
- Habiliter une équipe produit
- Problèmes de conception de produits de toute nature
- Recrutement de designers et de chefs de produits
Everything product and design at Koober – from product strategy to visual design. 1M+ downloads.
Helping companies:
- Product design challenges of any kind
- Product management in a pre-Product-Market-Fit environment
- Empowering a product team
- Hiring designers and product managers
In charge of online customer experience (10M page views/month, 100M€ annual turnover).
- Set up user research initiatives and evangelised customer knowledge.
- Managed product roadmap for web and mobile apps.
- Managed analytics from global KPIs to feature-specific monitoring.
- Reshaped the customer support feedback pipeline to get better data on claims
- Collaborated with the design and engineering teams to:
+ improve ease of finding products (rework navigation patterns, search page and product categories)
+ post-purchase experience (modify order, reschedule delivery, delay alerting, driver route monitoring, ...)
+ login and signup success rate (rework the UX, handle company microservice edge cases, rework landing page)
- Led the design team on building the company’s design system
Built the new front-end of AuchanDirect.
First software engineer in the team, I wrote around half the codebase and led cross-team problem solving at company level on logistics and customer support challenges.
Beequick is a SaaS tool for project and sales management for Junior-Entreprises.
In charge of user experience and business development.
Built Clustaar’s first product from the ground up from prototype to production app, which included:
- UX & UI design
- Front-end development (single-page app in Angular + Material)
- Back-end development (python server, Redis queue, some ML and algorithms)
- Ops (deployment, hosting)
The product is a SaaS data-analysis tool for SEO. It processes search query data to provide marketing and SEO insight and uses NLP, force-directed drawing and clustering.
Conducted data analysis for business cases and implementation projects on wholesale, retail and e-business inbound and outbound transportation flows.
European network optimization. Estimated gains: 3M € / year from increased warehouse productivity; +2 % availability in store