Anaël est une experte en ingénierie logicielle backend avec 7 ans d'expérience !
Ayant de l'expérience dans différents secteurs tels que le commerce électronique, les projets institutionnels ou les projets Fintech, il sait comment créer des logiciels solides qui soutiendront votre entreprise, mais en gardant toujours le pragmatisme à l'esprit. Il a travaillé avec différentes technologies telles que Typescript, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL,, CI/CD.
Il a travaillé dans différents domaines tels que la performance, l'architecture, le déploiement, la DX et les fonctionnalités. Il travaille actuellement chez Spendesk en tant qu'ingénieur logiciel et travaille sur leurs intégrations bancaires.
Part of the Banking-Gateway squad, I am currently working on integrating our own bank inside our software (generating virtual cards with limits, handling card transactions). This is a critical project for the company. We are leveraging event outbox pattern and command bus to design our use cases. I am at the same time leading the testability tech crew at Spendesk in order to have better testing practices.
Hacking with Typescript/NodeJS in the Spending Flows squad. I’m working on the ability to request and spending money in our platform. I’m also strongly involved in performance requirements (SQL / Algorithm) on our product.
After having been part of a fast growing company, I wanted to try something new, help Novactive to grow using processes and way of doing from startup to ease the development and understanding of customers needs.
- French Cultural Ministry: Acting as Lead developer, I've managed a team of 3 developers to ship an API used for all maps displayed by the ministry. We had to handle multiple sources and provide a way to do crowd sourcing of cultural places. The API is used by wemap and open-agenda our partners for this project. The project is deployed on and tested by Travis. API Platform has been chosen for this project.
- Lambert and Associates: Acting as Lead developer, I've led a team of 5 people (1 intern, 2 back-end developer and 1 front-end developer) in order to answer to the customer needs. The project was to build a kind of private social network connecting brands and retailers. The project has been built from scratch using Symfony 5 along with PHP 7.4 and React JS for the front-end in a kind of SPA way. The project has used CQS along with Hexagonal architecture. Deployment is done on and Github Action is used for our Continuous integration platform.
- Acting as Sofware engineer I've helped to enforce quality and tests on this project (one of the biggest of the company). The goal of the project was to take into account all the new needs of the customer to rebuild their project from scratch using PHP 7.4 + Symfony and React
- Atlantic: I've help the team to do a migration between 2 majors version of eZ Platform.
After having been part of the beginning of the project, i’ve helped the founder to build a plateform sneering around 70 customers and bout 500 000 request for menu a month. I’ve been part of the order and preorder subject along with the database refactoring in order r have a good application
What I've done:
- Decoupling of the monolith using Domain Driven Design Strategic concepts such as Context Mapping, Bounded Contexts and so on.
- Implements Domain Driven Design tactical patterns on some bounded context to tackle the technical debt, be closer to domain concepts in our stack.
- Monitor performances and improve algorithm to query the data faster -> it has involved to separate reading and writing concern (kinda CQRS but only on the query part for now). Intensive usage of Blackfire.
- Improve performances on Export and Import for the API
- Put in place a Continuous Integration Platform (CircleCI) to replace our good old Jenkins which was not stable with our way of working